August 26, 2022

Reflections on 3 years of (Transfer) Wise

I joined a company, at the time called TransferWise on the last day of April 2018. It was relatively unknown if you had no need of sending money cross-border, and its brand was overshadowed by other prominent fintech companies such as Monzo and Revolut then.

(For the sake of clarity, I will use Wise instead of TransferWise for the company; it is the same company after all. All the people mentioned were colleagues at Wise.)

My motivation was clear. I wanted to find out how a so-called unicorn scales, before its eventual IPO as Wise (which I wasn’t sure if it were to come). Not many companies in London were at that stage, and I had no intention to relocate elsewhere for work. Wise was a perfect match and perhaps the only match at the time that I was able to join (thanks to Steve, Dave and Harsh not saying no during my interviews).

I would be lying if I say I knew exactly what I signed up for on that day, or in the following three years. What I do know is ‘til this day I continue to benefit from my learnings from Wise.

This series is my report card for my time at Wise. In true Wise spirit, I aim to offer my candid view on a number of topics.

beaworld festival | TransferWise Summer Days 2019 (^ Lovely people of TransferWise at Summer Days 2019 ^)

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